Bukalah cendela pikiranmu sekedar untuk berfikir..

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Senyum Semangat

Biarkan badai menghantam dengan segenap kekuatanya
Apimu mungkin akan berkedip tapi jangan matikan api itu
Melalui malam yang gelap, melalui benar dan salah
Kita harus melangkah
Seberat apa pun itu
Keluarkan kekuatanmu pada setiap hembusan nafasmu

Senyum dan Semangat
Buang semua kepenatanmu bersama angin dan menyanyilah
Ketika keadaan menjadi sulit, terseyum dan menyanyilah
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk mewujudkan mimpimu
Lalu tunjukkan pada mereka apa arti mimpi yang sebenarnya

Tak ada yang mustahil bagimu disini
Apa artinya hidup tanpa tawa dan keceriaan

Kenapa harus takut? Setiap kali masalah muncul..
Untuk setiap kesulitan Selalu ada jawaban untuknya!

Jalani hidupmu seolah hanya untuk saat ini saja..
Saat yang penting dalam kehidupanmu
Anggap saja sebagai momen pertamamu
Nikmati.. tahan.. dengan keceriaan.
Begitu ia pergi tak akan kembali lagi.

Sorry Mom..!

Oh my god……! I had said impolite to my mother last time. I could not guess that I did it with my mother via phone. I didn’t mention to do it to my mother. “I am so sorry mom! I will not do it anymore”, I said. I love you so much. I know that I am not suitable with my attitude if I do impolite with you again. Need to know, you are a mother who had born me in this world, so that I can know this world. Mom…once more! I am really sorry about that. I don't know what I must do for you, mom! You always give something more useful for me, but I….? I never give you something more besides "lovely and praying". I always make you disappointed every day and, mom, I'm sure that I have many sins for you, I'm sorry mom 

Mom is the best mother that always cares me everything. And she always stayed up all night when I was sick. If I got sad, my mom was the first help me to solve it. I can’t remember how many sins that I do for my mom. I don’t know how to give everything that mom wants so that way I can pay all which is done by mom to me when I was child up to now. 

Actually, how price mom are…..! Mom is one of human who can give full attention for me. She always gives smiling when I do mistake. I just can pray to Allah “may Allah give special for mom in His heaven. 

The mom’s affection can’t be paid anything. She just asks me to be good man for another people and to pray for her when she has passed away later. My mom just asks to me. I just have realized how worth you are!    

Strange Cranium

I say that I am the best in this world. I say, "This is Me." And I say that I am cleverer than another. You might say it, but remember..! Anyone must still be better than you. 'Cause you live here being not alone but with others. Of course, there is a competition between you and another who live here. “Impossible, someone is the best here besides Allah”. 

So, what do you think of that? Do you wanna be the best? Or you wanna make something good, in order to all of people will like or be interested in you. "Oh.. Not men…!” I will make a thing to influence men so that way they submit to me?” "Oh No..No Guys!” Need to know! “Did you know who make rule in whole worlds?” “I didn’t know...!” He is Allah SWT, not you. So don’t make it impossible or not useful. You understand what I say. Yeah…..! but Not clear and logic.

You know why I am like this to be cranium. What is the matter? Indeed, if you are life in this world, you don’t do something useful for people but you destroy all of things here where they are not belong to you, so when you are died, you will be like this becoming cranium that so frighten gitu lho. You can see Scholar of Islamic who is died, they will be not like this but his died is original or intact. There are many Moslems who die to be cranium because they don’t obey His rule and avoid His forbidden. So that Allah is very angry with someone not obeying what Allah commands. 

You must remember that..! Now, you must apologize to Allah for the sake of your sins that were done. No…. Guys, this is not my wrong but Allah. Why has Allah created me here and Allah self has managed man in this world too. So what do you think of that? Friend..! Need to know, each people are given a mind by Allah to think. You must (pasti) know what it is useful or not. You are right … Guys! Allah manages all of things in this world but just useful and good thing for human not something bad and dangerous for human. The main point is when we did goodness, this was from Allah but when you did badness, this is from yourself. You get the message what I tell? Yes …………. Thank you so much.

Remember That All of Good Thing are from Allah but All of Bad Thing are from You

English is an International Language

Allah creates us in order that each knows another. We will not be life alone in this world without another, we must need them. Many people who are different each other, so we must understand about theirs both characteristics and languages. That is impossible. If we know about their character only because the most important thing, we have to know and understand their language. Language is a communication which is used to speak. So, wily nilly, we can do it. 

A communication for life people often use as daily language, so we can be together. By language we can save, because bad or good depends on language. But language will be important, when we will face the globalization era. We will farce to study not only our language but also another language from foreigner. If technology is as developing as, we have to increase our language. We will not be back number than another because of language. We must be ready to face the situation wherever we are. Don’t be hopeless and be ready to be a winner.
   The famous Language is Arabic and English languages.  The languages are very useful to face in this globalization era. By the languages, we can go along with foreigner and we can communicate well. Not all of man can speak two languages but we can study one language only. As we have known, and that is the reality case is English is more important that Arabic language.
English is one of languages that have been an international language. So it is not fine if we study about English only. The most important we can speak with one of the languages. Because English is an international language, so we must study and study to understand.
English is an international language must be a culture for us in order that we are not bored to study that. We will be success to study the language if we love and love.    

Juvenile Delinquency

Our country, the most important thing in the country is adolescents. The adolescents must be the hope of nation to develop and improve their country, therefore the youth of nation that will continue and replace the last leadership in the next future. So, they must be able to study hard to get their ambition as Khalifah and prepare their selves in mentality to face the condition in Globalization Era.
Adolescent is period of life between childhood and maturity. It means, they are not whole maturity but change their attitude of childhood into maturity only. Therefore we are not amazed if the most adolescent is involved with criminals such as drunk, violation, narcotic and robber, so on. Why are they like that?

When we would like to do something, certainly the most adolescents don’t think first of what it is useful for our future or not but they directly do something without thinking first ‘Cause they don’t wanna know about their consequence what they face. They always dare to do. So-must be careful…!
 We can’t avoid this reality that crimes have spread in all countries. For example, the case of marriage, they would prefer to make love (ML) before getting married rather than to get married first. They know that the law doesn’t allow doing it, but why? There are still many youths of the nation like doing that as a glance happiness or having fun only, so that not-many from the girls who do abortion when they have got pregnant and free Sex as a need of them to lose all of their problem. You have read news paper which state that more than less 5 million who get HIV disease because of Free Sex. Wow, what shy we are as Indonesian People.
We can’t say that our country is the best country than another. We are as the youth of nation are quite shy gitu lho. Actually, criminals which make love happened in Indonesia is ‘caused by our government don’t give the good education for the youth well. For Example; expensive education, so that many poor men / women can’t go to school because they don’t have enough money to pay. Indeed, Education is very important to develop the country and change attitude of the youth of nation. The most people do crimes because they are so far to get education or they don’t know about it that it is forbidden, not allowed and so on. The main point, government must responsible to make smart the youth of the nation by giving a free school for the poor human to get education well.
I think, that is the best way for Indonesia people. Need to know we know that our goal of National is Make smart people life. All of ways which is done by government are to improve skill and prepare students to face the competition.   
How about in our Islamic Boarding School of Salafiah Syafi’iyah, are still any juvenile delinquencies? Of Course Buanget gitu lho!. But not like above. Where we are life, we must face that name of mistakes or find crimes that happen in country. So do in ours (Islamic Boarding School). Let me show up the crimes.
Hey Friends ….. You have known that in class, there are many Bodies died alias Sleeping men or women there. Although, they get enjoyment in his study at the class and they also get good education, they can know about the Islamic Science and General Science, but they are still lazy to study. They don’t have spirit to study they like playing only, so not many from them who sleep in the class when the teacher teaches. Besides that, Islamic Students don’t go to school, make a date, don’t pray together, and go home without permission so on. They are also called as the Juvenile Delinquency, is it right! I don’t need to clarify one by one above.

Sang Pemimpi becames Sang Juara

Sang pemimpi tak akan pudar jika kau slalu ingin merealisasikan mimpi itu. Tetap optimis..! and slalu berfikir posotif..! Itu yang akan mendorongmu menjadi berhasil. Jika suatu saat kau jatuh, maka bangunlah, itu mungkin hanya kegagalan sejenak yang dapat menyita pikiranmu.. 

PD juga mampu membinasakan kepesimisan kita saat berada dalam ketakutan tuk meraih mimpi. Sehingga kita akan begitu mudahnya memperoleh energi positif untuk menghadapi hal apapun.

Mimpi akan terwujud jika kekuatan kepercayaan diri slalu dikoneksikan dengan keinginan/hasrat untuk mewujudkan mimpi tersebut. Mimpi akan slalu hanya berada di atas angan-angan kita bahkan jauh di atas sana, apabilah PD dan hasrat tersebut tidak slalu kau tunjukkan/aplikasikan ke dunia nyata. 

Emang sebuah mimpi, hanyalah dunia maya yang mungkin orang berkata bahwa itu lelucon saja/cuma keinginan sesaat di dunia lain (Dunia tidak sadar alias di dalam TEDUNG). Tapi ingat bahwa mimpi tidak hanya dilakukan saat kita tidur lelap lantas kita mimpi indah memperoleh apa yang kita inginkan. Eiiiit bukan itu.! Tapi keinginan yang terpendam dalam diri kita maupun cita-cita yang perlu direalisasikan dengan tindakan nyata dalam keadaan sukses. 

Sulit merealisasikan mimpi jika kita tidak punya hasrat untuk mewujudkan
Sulit merealisasikan mimpi jika kita tidak punya rasa percaya diri

Mimpi akan sulit terwujud jika keduannya tidak mampu kita bina dan support dalam mewujudkan mimpi kita. Kadang sih kita hanya ingin slalu bermimpi dan hanya dengan mimpi kita bisa nyaman dan tak ada rasa sulit dalam kehidupan. Namun dibalik itu, kita juga merasa hanya mengandalkan otak angan-angan saja yang nantinya akan terjebak dengan meng-andaikan saja dalam mindsetnya.. sungguh terlalu..!

So jika kita ingin mewujudkan mimpi yang belum kita tunjukkan, maka dengan Percaya diri and hasrat untuk mewujudkan mimpi tersebut.. insyaAllah kita bisa meraih mimpi tersebut dengan sempurna. Tapi ingat DOA JUGA MAMPU MENGALAHKAN APAPUN..! So PD, Hasrat dan juga doa slalu beriringan ya..hehehehe !..Ojok Lupa Ama DOA yo..!

Jadilah sang pemimpi yang slalu memiliki juang membara dan haus akan kesuksesan diatas kesuksesan sehingga kita akan menjadi seperti PADI yang slalu menampakkan sikap rama dan rendah hati walau dia berhasil.

Smoga Qita menjadi PEMENANG and SANG JUARA

Sahabatku percayalah bahwa disetiap doa dan pengharapanku, ku selalu menyebut nama kalian sahabatku dan berharap kalian tetap selalu baik2 saja dimanapun berada. Jika kalian mendapati kesuksesan smoga kesuksesanmu menjadikan kalian lebih bertakwa kepada tuhan dan low profile bagi orang lain. Dan smoga kita slalu diberikan kekuatan dalam menjalani roda kehidupan dan mampu menciptakan mimpi yang terwujudkan dengan keadaan nyata. Amien ya robbal alamin.